Coaching for the Workplace

People spend about one third of their lives as adults at work and many experience stress related to their jobs. Interpersonal tension, communication issues, low motivation and job satisfaction, are all factors that negatively affect performance.

Low individual mental health costs an organization its team synergy.

Diversity within an organization can be a strong advantage.

However, most of us do not know how to communicate effectively between different communication styles, culture gaps and generational gaps.

This is where Brain Boss comes in. 

As a result of thought training, employees learn how to manage their stress, overcome personal obstacles and address biases and negative thought patterns both in themselves and others. Some topics include:

  • Addressing Ageism to Close the Generational Gap

  • Creating and Maintaining Healthy Habits at Work

  • Management Transparency

  • How to Feel Fulfilled in Your Work

  • Difficult People and Different Perspectives

  • Productivity and Performance

After participating in group workshops and powerful individual coaching, people are able to walk way feeling more grounded and with deeper confidence and trust in themselves and their teammates. In addition, both positive and negative shifts in emotional and mental health affect their mindset at home, which means that the peace, autonomy, motivation and resilience they learn to create through coaching will also give them benefits in other areas of their lives.

 The workplace is the most important environment to discuss mental health.

Your people are your entire business and taking care of their minds will set the company up for long-term success.

 All corporate coaching programs are customized to the specific needs and problems of the organization and its people.

We always start with understanding the unique culture, quirks and pain points of the establishment through having multiple conversations with management, HR and other relevant employees. Reach out today and let’s get started on transforming your people’s mental health.