I imagine that at this point you may have some questions about, you know, who the blazes I am.
I’m Dyah.
I’m a certified Life Coach with a background in Cognitive Psychology and Full Stack Web Development. I chose to pursue this work because I'm obsessed with learning about how our brains manipulate us and how to turn the tables.With a figurative foot in each of the Gen Z and Y cohorts, I am very much in touch with the cultures and subcultures we young folks navigate as we grow into adults. I took my traditionally Asian upbringing and melded it with a Western education, making me very open-minded (if I do say so myself) and very familiar with the feeling of being displaced and overcrowded at the same time. So basically I’m a no-judgement, no-bullshit combo of life coach, mentor and weird best friend… except I give way better advice than your friends do. There will be plenty sarcastic humor and swearing.
My Mission
To teach young people how to create the lives that they want using the most powerful tool they will ever have at their disposal: their brains.
I help my clients figure out who they are, what they want to do with their lives and how to work with their minds instead of against them.
Before I found mind management, I often thought about how my peers seemed to have their shit so much more together and whether that meant I was getting left behind. I would spend a good amount of time and energy worrying about things like how I looked, whether certain people were impressed by me and if I was doing everything right. I had this version of myself in my head that was better, ideal… but felt too out of reach to bother really trying. I was just… unsatisfied.
Then I discovered the art and science of thinking on purpose.
I was ecstatic.
I had been walking around my whole life carrying this complex machine in my head that I didn’t understand. I argued with my brain, judged it, resisted it and basically tried everything except working with it.
When I figured out the whole rewiring-of-the-brain shebang, it was like I finally found the golden manual.
I learned how to take back the control and power over my life that I had previously given away to substances, habits and people without ever realizing it. The best part about this is being able to let the people in my life be who they are and not wish for them to by any different.
I built more personal integrity and was able to trust myself to show up for myself more and more. I stopped spending my precious time and energy on what the world (read: society) conditioned me to worry about and instead used those resources to do the things I actually gave shits about.