Dyah Heliades, B. S. Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Certified Life Coach
C O N F I D E N C E 🧘🏻♀️ R E L A T I O N S H I P S 👨👩👧👦 G R O W T H 🧬 L I F E
You tell yourself tomorrow will be the day you get it right…only to end up repeating the cycle.
Life feels like an endless struggle to check all the right boxes…but you’re starting to realize that these boxes weren’t put there by you.
You can quite easily appear as if you have it all together…but really, inside and underneath you feel anxious and stressed. You get hurt. You sometimes feel like a crazy person.
You probably think it’s because of this person or that person, this circumstance or that circumstance.
News flash:
it’s not.
We are all wired to believe what our brains report to us.
✦ That we don’t pursue goals and complete projects because we get lazy and the task is daunting.
✦ That we don’t have what we need to feel confident and secure.
✦ That change and negative emotion are bad and to be avoided at all costs.
And as a result, we have a really hard time getting out of anxiety, stress and sadness.
It’s nuts if you think about it:
We have minds that are capable of comprehending the theory of relativity and dissecting the GoT plot but can’t stop from eating just one more Cheeto or procrastinating on tasks.
Your unmanaged mind doesn’t want to try hard at anything. It just wants to be safe and comfortable.
It doesn’t want to do new things, experience personal growth or have a meaningful life.
It doesn’t care how well you sleep at night or whether you’re fulfilled.
The default for the subconscious human brain is to have only three priorities:
Seek pleasure + Avoid pain + Minimize effort
and will direct your thinking and behavior accordingly.
At Brain Boss, we develop the ability to control this process.
Not through chakras, mantras and positive affirmations.
Through powerful coaching.
Life coaching, while not exactly a young field, is a very vague industry; definitions for it include words such as “full potential”, “synergistic relationship” and “living your truth”.
What does that even mean?
What is my full potential?
And what in the name of Dumbledore’s knickers is “my truth”?
If you’re like me, you’ve got no time for pretty ideas that don’t actually drive change.
Clients who have worked with me have created results that are a true testament to neuroplasticity.
They’ve started down their own chosen career path, switched bad habits with good ones and feel so much more fulfilled in their relationships both with themselves and others.
Now it’s your turn.
You’ve struggled long enough. It’s time to evolve beyond your problems. And that looks like:
✦ creating true confidence built upon the ability to trust yourself instead of external accomplishments, authority figures or appearance,
✦ not regretting any of your past, present or future choices (yes, including that ex),
✦ feeling comfortable enough in your own skin to not seek validation,
✦ going after your goals with everything you’ve got.
So stop waiting for your life to begin.
Let’s get this motherf*cking show on the road.
Are you part of a company or organization?
Brain Boss offers talks, workshops and seminars on workplace mental health.
I’m a certified Life Coach with a background in Cognitive Psychology and Full Stack Web Development. As you might be able to guess, science and psychology are my roots and heavily inform my coaching process and philosophy.
Think of me as the conduit to your personal development - someone who is in the trenches with you, who will show you your path and teach you how to walk it. There will be sarcastic humor and swearing.
“As a young person trying to navigate the transition between college and “adulthood”, I found working with Dyah to be a game changer.”